Horticulture and Landscape Architecture

Hardy Plants for Waterwise Landscapes

Alchemilla mollis
Lady's mantle

Alchemilla mollis (V.I. Lohr)

Plant form

Clumping herbaceous perennial; deciduous. 


8-10 inches tall, spread up to 24 inches. 


Small, greenish-yellow flowers appear in late spring to early summer. 

Native area


Water use

Low to moderate.   

Culture and maintenance

Grows best in rich, well-drained soils; doesn't require much fertilization. Plants will self-sow. If this is undesirable, flower heads should be removed before seeds form. If spent flowers are removed, plants also will produce a second flush of growth. Insect- and disease-free.


Light to full shade.  


USDA Zone 4.


Lady's mantle is beautiful when dew or raindrops collect on the fuzzy leaves. May spread vigorously by reseeding.


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Horticulture and Landscape Architecture , PO Box 646414, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-6414, 509-335-9502, Contact Us