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University requirements for the baccalaureate degree have been established by the faculty as an expression of the common degree expectations for all Washington State University graduates.

University Requirements for Graduation
  1. Hours and grade points - a minimum of 120 semester hours with a grade point average of 2.0 or better

  2. Upper-Division (300-400-level) - 40 semester hours

  3. Writing Proficiency Requirements

    In addition, WSU faculty, administration, and Regents have identified writing proficiency as a priority at WSU. The writing requirements are outlined below:

    Writing Experience within General Education

    1. All students must pass 6 hours of written and oral communications courses, including at least 3 in written communications [W] at Tier I, and 3 of courses designated either [W] or [C] at Tier II

    2. Prior to enrollment in freshman writing courses, all students must take a Writing Placement Examination for the purpose of placement in appropriate writing courses. These placements are mandatory. The Writing Placement Examination is administered during summer New Student Orientation, at the beginning of fall semester, and prior to spring registration. Examination results will place students in the core writing course, Engl 101 "Introductory Writing" (or equivalent), or in Engl 101 plus one hour of Engl 102 "Writing Tutorial." In some instances, students may be exempted from Engl 101 on the basis of their performance in the Placement Examination.

    3. General Education courses require student writing of various kinds, both formal and informal, in order to provide adequate instruction in writing skills and to provide a wide range of student experiences in writing for many purposes and audiences.

  4. The University Writing Portfolio

    Successful performance on the University Writing Portfolio is a requirement for graduation at WSU. Students must submit a Writing Portfolio consisting of three papers from previously assigned class work plus two timed and proctored writing exercises. After successfully completing English 101 or equivalent, students must submit the Portfolio and sit for the timed exercises no later than the end of the first semester of upper-division standing (upon completion of 60 hours). Transfer students may elect to postpone the examination until they have completed at least a semester of work at WSU. For details consult the Portfolio Office: 335-7959.

  5. Writing in the Major [M]

    Two courses identified as "writing in the major" [M] must be included in course work taken to meet major or departmental requirements. Consult the requirements in the department in which you intend to major.

  6. General Education Program requirements.

    All students regardless of major must fulfill the minimum requirements of WSU's General Education Program; see separate section.

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