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The following draft definitions of "scholarly productivity" were developed by each college specifically for use with WSU's state mandated Accountability Plan. All of the deans have indicated that the definitions should be considered tentative pending further consultation with chairs and faculty.


 College of Agriculture and Home Economics


"Creative intellectual work that is validated by peers and communicated"


Building on this definition of scholarship, the definition of high quality scholarly work includes the following types of output and products:

 Refereed journal articles

Books and book chapters


Research and/or Extension bulletins

Juried shows of design or artistic works

Reviewed software and CD-ROM packages


Plant Variety Releases


CAHE's expectation is that faculty with teaching, research, and extension specialist assignments in the agricultural and life sciences disciplines will publish through formal communication outlets at least one scholarly product annually. For faculty in the social sciences, home economics, and design disciplines, the expectation is one scholarly output every two years.


The productivity of county extension faculty is unique in that their primary responsibility is to disseminate research-based knowledge. Extension faculty have the responsibility to commit professional time to organizing and conducting extension educational activities which includes applied research and synthesizing research information. Their scholarly productivity is measured by the generation of information and educational materials for mass media, newsletters, county-based publications and curriculum for locally delivered educational programs. The generation of extension information and education will be non-credit/non-formal in nature. The institution is most interested in having county extension faculty address the problems of individuals, organizations, and/or communities through the practical application of research.




College of Business and Economics


The college of Business and Economics has defined its productivity measures as one publication every two calendar years of high scholarly work, i.e.; peer reviewed (refereed) applied or theoretical publications; successful grant proposals; or books, monographs, and book chapters.



College of Education


The College of Education defines quality scholarly work as that which is theoretical and/or empirically based, is presented and/or accessible to the scholarly community, and contributes to the field by influencing policy, theory and/or practice. Therefore included in this definition are journal articles, books, chapters in books, research paper presentations to state and national conferences, and book reviews. The College of Education defines this as one scholarly work every year as a full time faculty member.



College of Engineering and Architecture


High quality scholarly work in the College of Engineering and Architecture is comprised of the peer-reviewed dissemination of the results of intellectual investigation that includes manuscripts published in refereed proceedings of major conferences, or creative work in the area of design, graphic arts, and film completed with an invitation to exhibit or build, or textbooks or research monographs in print, or computer software that is peer-reviewed prior to distribution, or external funding in place to support the intellectual investigation resulting in the production of high quality scholarly work(s).


The time period used within which a faculty member would be expected to produce high quality scholarly work is once per year.



College of Liberal Arts


Scholarly activity in the Liberal Arts includes: refereed articles; scholarly books; book chapters; monographs; plays; concerts; shows; exhibits; musical compositions; artistic works; and software, CD-ROMs, and other technological innovations. The expected time period for completion of scholarly work is two years in the social sciences and three years in the humanities.



College of Pharmacy


For tenured track faculty involved in research and instruction in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, annual research performance standards will be:


To have a competitive grant or contract;

To publish, on average, a total of two refereed or invited publications per year in their research filed, in a textbook, or on the subject of educational innovation;

To present at least one invited or contributed presentation in a national meeting, an institution of higher learning, or at a research institution; and

To supervise the training of one graduate student, postdoctoral fellow or visiting scientist.


For faculty whose primary responsibilities relate to instruction, the performance standards will be:


To publish, on average, one refereed paper, textbook chapter, or invited review article in the field of pharmacy or on the subject of educational innovation.

To present one invited or contributed presentation in a national meeting or an institution of higher learning.


Tenured track faculty in the Department of Pharmacy Practice will achieve the following minimal goals, on average, to meet scholarly performance standards:


Have published, as primary or senior author, two refereed publications per year.

Made at least one invited or contributed presentation at a State, National, or International meeting per year.

Have received as principal investigator extramural support from at least one competitive or investigator-initiated grant or contract (single or multi-year) per year. Faculty at the assistant professor level will not be expected to achieve this goal until the end of their second year of initial appointment.




College of Veterinary Medicine


The college, in consultation with its three departments, has defined what constitutes scholarly work in our field as 1 publication in a refereed journal per academic year (July-June).



Intercollegiate Center for Nursing Education


Minimal expectations of tenured and tenure track faculty include the publication of a minimum of one refereed article or book chapter every two years. In addition, faculty are expected to have fulfilled one or more of the following:


At least one invited or refereed podium presentation

Paid professional consultation (regional or national)

Principal or co-principal investigator of an extramural funded grant

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