Recommended Books and Articles

Go to the annotated Online Bibliography of Current Criticism (by Howells-L  members)
Go to Recent (1994-present) Books and Articles on Howells

Thanks to Terry Oggel and Paul Abeln for their updates. Please submit your recommendations for this list.

Brenni, Vito J. William Dean Howells: A Bibliography. Metuchen, New Jersey: The Scarecrow Press, 1973.

Cady, Edwin H. The Realist at War: The Mature Years, 1885-1920, of William Dean Howells. Syracuse: Syracuse U P, 1958.

Cady, Edwin H. The Road to Realism: The Early Years 1837-1885, of William Dean Howells. Syracuse: Syracuse U P, 1956.

Cady, Edwin H., and Louis J. Budd. On Howells.  The Best from American Literature. Durham: Duke University Press, 1993.

Cady, Edwin H., and Norma W. Cady, eds. Critical Essays on W.D. Howells, 1866-1920. Boston, Mass.: G. K. Hall, 1983.

Carrington, George C. The Immense Complex Drama: The World and Art of the Howells Novel. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1966.

Carter, Everett. Howells and the Age of Realism. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1954.

Crowley, John. The Black Heart's Truth. The Early Career of William Dean Howells.
Charlotte: University of North Carolina Press, 1985.

Crowley, John W. "Howells in the Eighties: A Review of Criticism." ESQ 32.4 (1986): 253-77.

Crowley, John W. "Howells in the Eighties: A Review of Criticism, II." ESQ 33.1 (1987): 45-65.

Crowley, John W. The Mask of Fiction: Essays on W.D. Howells. Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press, 1989.

Gibson, William M., and George W. Arms. A Bibliography of William Dean Howells. New York: New York Public Library, 1948, 1971.

Howells, William Dean. Editor's Study. Ed. and introd. James W. Simpson. Troy, N. Y.: Whitston Press, 1983.

Howells, William Dean. The Early Prose Writings of William Dean Howells. Ed. Thomas Wortham. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1990.

Howells, William Dean. William Dean Howells as Critic. Ed. Edwin H. Cady. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1973.

Howells, William Dean. Volumes in the Selected Edition of William Dean Howells, published by Indiana University Press. List of current titles.

Kaplan, Amy. The Social Construction of American Realism. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1988.

Kirk, Clara Marburg. William Dean Howells and Art in his Time. New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, 1962.

Lynn, Kenneth. William Dean Howells: An American Life. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971.

Nettels, Elsa. Language, Race, and Social Class in Howells's America. Lexington, Kentucky: University Press of Kentucky, 1988.

Olsen, Rodney. Dancing in Chains: The Youth of William Dean Howells. The American Social Experience Series, no. 20. New York: New York University Press, 1991.

Prioleau, Elizabeth Stevens. The Circle of Eros. Sexuality in the Work of William Dean Howells. Durham: Duke University Press, 1983.

Reuben, Paul P. Paul P. Reuben's Howells Page. Part of Perspectives in American Literature: A Research and Reference Guide, this site includes an extensive secondary bibliography on Howells.

Twain, Mark, and William Dean Howells. Selected Mark Twain--Howells Letters, 1872-1910. Ed. Frederick Anderson, William M. Gibson, and Henry Nash Smith. Cambridge:  Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1967.

Woodress, James L. Howells and Italy. Durham: Duke University Press, 1952.


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