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Physics 205

Physics for Scientists and Engineers - Honors

5 Hours Credit

Webster Physical Sciences Rm 11   MWF 11:10 am - Noon

Instructor: Professor Tom Dickinson; email: jtd@wsu.edu
Physical Sciences (PS) 534; Phone 335-4914
Office Hours MWF 5 - 6:30 pm
TA:  Gabriel Hanna email:  gjhanna@mail.wsu.edu 
Gabriel's Office Hours   FRIDAY Afternoon


Laboratory Director:
Gordon Johnson, PS 348, 335-3398 email: johngo@wsu.edu or  mailto:dzikowic@wsunix.wsu.edu


What is expected of me in Lab?


Lab Syllabus

How do I write a lab report? 


Lab Report Format

What experiment are we doing this week? 


Schedule of Experiments

When is the lab open? Who teaches that lab? 


Schedule of lab sections

How do I make up a lab? 


Lab makeup policies and schedules

Other questions? 


Email the lab supervisor



Text:  Serway and Jewett, Physics for Scientists and Engineers, volume 1, 6th edition. Solutions to odd-numbered problems are

given in the back of the textbook.  (Also comes in paperback -- you need Parts 1 and 2)

Expectations for each class:

  • You are expected to read carefully the relevant material before class.
  • email me questions before class and I will try to answer them.
  • You should prepare a written list of appropriate questions for class and recitation section.

EMAIL Class Questions To jtd@wsu.edu;  Email Recitation Questions to Gabriel Hanna   email:  gjhanna@mail.wsu.edu

  • You should be primed to answer questions on concepts and work simple problems related to the material.
  • Taking a good set of notes from Serway and other similar textbooks is strongly encouraged. Web tutorials are numerous.

Recitation Section: Right now:  Thursday 5:00 - 7:00 pm in Webster Rm 11

Homework: Will be assigned each week and turned in for grading, Usually on Wednesday And Friday  


Quizzes: A number of quizzes will occasionally be given in recitation or class relating to the homework and assigned material.  Frequent READING Quizzes will be given (short, simple tests to see if you have read the material) ONLINE

Hourly Exams: One hour tests will be given on the following dates: Feb.10, Mar.10, Apr.7. Exams will be given in Recitation Section. It is assumed that you have and will bring a calculator with trig functions and logs. An equation helper will be provided for every exam--sometimes you get to write it.

Grading: Grades will be determined (approximately) on the following basis:

                                                                         Percent of Grade

1. Quizzes, Homework, Recitation Work                    40

2. Hourly exams                                                          30

3. Laboratory (Regular 201 lab will be attended)       15

4. Final Exam                                                              15

Consultation with TAs:

1.   Some consultation will be available in Gannon-Goldsworthy  Times to be announced.

2.  Gabriel will have office hours + will try to work with you if possible (within reason) at other times.

3. There will be extensive tutorial help made available during the Recitation Sections; in addition -- Problem Solutions posted after assignment handed in.


Academic Integrity: Academic dishonesty, including all forms of cheating, plagiarism, and fabrication, is prohibited as stated in the WSU Student Handbook (WAC 504-25-015). The instructor reserves the right to take appropriate action.

Disabilities: Reasonable accommodations will be made for students who have a documented disability. Please notify the instructor during the first week of class of any accommodations needed for the course. Late notification my cause the requested accommodations to be unavailable. All accommodations must be approved through the Disability Resource Center (DRC) in Administration Annex 206 (335-1566).

The following TOPICS will be covered:


Newton's Laws

Linear Momentum

Rotational Motion



Simple Harmonic Motion

Wave Motion--theory





Chapters Covered in Serway:   Chap. 1-22.

Schedule:  First few weeks--1 chapter a week; then, ~1.5 chapters/week to cover all 22 chapters in book

First Week:  Wed.  Jan. 11:      Read very carefully Chap. 1, work assigned problems

                    Thursday, Jan 12:   First Recitation -- bring questions on chap. 1 problems (if possible email Gabriel beforehand).

procedures for taking online quizzes will be presented  First quiz will be up by Thursday.    Take it before Saturday midnight.

                    Friday, Jan 13:      Read Chapter 2 before class; hand in Chapter 1 problems (before doors to Webster close ~10 pm)

Between Friday and Wednesday -- reread chap 2; take on-line Reading Quiz (chap. 2), start chapter 2 problems

Second Week:      Monday, Jan 16  -- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day no class 

Wednesday, Jan 18  Get Questions on concepts, reading material, Chap 2 to Dickinson by email BEFORE CLASS

Thursday, Jan 20  Second Recitation, bring questions on chap. 2 problems (if possible email Gabriel beforehand).

            Friday, Jan 21   hand in Chapter 2 problems (before doors to Webster close)

If you have questions, email jtd@wsu.edu

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