Horticulture and Landscape Architecture

Hardy Plants for Waterwise Landscapes

Achillea spp.

Achillea sp. (in foreground) (V.I. Lohr)

Plant form

Upright and spreading or mat-forming, depending on the species. Herbaceous perennial; semi-evergreen or deciduous, depending on species and severity of winter. 


6 inches to 4 feet tall, depending on species.


Flowers in a wide range of colors, including white, red, pink, orange, and salmon.  Blooms from late spring to late summer.

Native area

Northern Hemisphere.

Water use


Culture and maintenance

Grows in ordinary, well-drained soils; doesn't require much fertilization.

A. millefolium spreads rapidly and the stems tend to become tall and floppy. Pruning the plant early in the season will help produce a more compact plant. Dividing the plant on a regular basis (every two years or so) also will help keep the plants to a manageable size.  Plants may rebloom if pruned back after flowering. Stem rot may be a problem during the winter and early spring in very heavy, wet soils. Insect- and disease-free.


Performs best in full sun but can tolerate light shade. 


USDA Zone 2.


We have had success with these species and cultivars:

Achillea millefolium:  Flowers in a wide range of colors, including white, red, pink, orange, and salmon. 

Achillea x 'Moonshine': Silvery-gray foliage and bright, lemon yellow flowers. Shorter than Achillea millefolium; about 2' tall. 


Reseeds and may become invasive. It is considered a weed in some areas.


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Horticulture and Landscape Architecture , PO Box 646414, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-6414, 509-335-9502, Contact Us