Horticulture and Landscape Architecture

Hardy Plants for Waterwise Landscapes

Teucrium chamaedrys

Teucrium chamaedrys in flower next to Santolina  chamaecyparissus (V.I. Lohr)

Plant form

Mounding, semi-woody, and semi-evergreen shrub, herb, or perennial (depending on your viewpoint).


12 to 15 inches tall in leaf, and about 24 inches tall in flower; about 24 to 36 inches wide.


In late summer, magenta flower spikes cover the plant. Bees, moths, and butterflies love the flowers.


Small leaves are glossy green during the growing season. In mild winters, most of the leaves will remain green throughout the year. In cold areas, the leaves may die during the winter. "Semi-evergreen" means that it may or may not be evergreen, depending on the season.

Water use

Low; will grow in Pullman, Washington and Moscow, Idaho with no supplemental water after establishment.

Culture and maintenance

Easy to grow. Relatively insect- and disease-free. This plant may be maintained two very different ways.

  • Formal appearance (as in knot gardens; photo bottom, left): Plant is sheared on a regular basis to keep it dense and small. It can be kept at 6 inches high this way.
  • Informal appearance (photo bottom, right): Plant is pruned only once or twice a year. Old leaves and flower stalks may be removed in spring in one major pruning in the spring, or old flower stalks may be removed after blooming in the fall and the stems cut back in the spring.


Full sun to partial shade.


USDA Zone 5.


May be sold by garden centers as a perennial or as an herb.
Teucrium chamaedrys leaves and stem (V.I. Lohr) Teucrium chamaedrys flowers (V.I. Lohr)
Formal:Teucrium chamaedrys in a knot garden (V.I. Lohr) Informal: Teucrium chamaedrys massed with Caryopteris X clandonensis 'Blue Mist' (V.I. Lohr)
Formal appearance
Informal appearance


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Horticulture and Landscape Architecture , PO Box 646414, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-6414, 509-335-9502, Contact Us