Quiz #2: Killing Pablo.

Here are some of the questions for Friday. The complete list of ten will be up by Monday afternoon at 6 p.m.

1. Perhaps influenced by Mario Henao , he began spending millions on social improvements in the city, doing far more than the government ever had for the poor crammed into the city's expanding slums.

2. It was just a substitute position, but the victory seemed precisely the validation he had sought.

3. The prospect struck fear in the hearts of men like Pablo Escobar, who long ago had learned they had little to fear from Colombia's justice system.

4. On the desk of every delegate in the room had been placed a photocopy of a check for one million pesos (about $13,000) from someone named Evaristo Porras , made out to Rodrigo Lara.

5. During this same period, mainstream attitudes towards cocaine use underwent a dramatic shift.

6. Soon after Tambs received this letter, Pablo fled the country.

  1. Death was his strategy against extradition, that and money.
  2. He was flown back to Cartagena where he posted bail and promptly disappeared.
  3. There were still a few brave souls in public life who defied plato o plomo but by the end of 1986 not many of them were still alive.
  4. With the offer, Pablo made a gesture.