
Environmental Impacts Natural Resources

Population & Carrying Capacity Renewable Energy


Environmental Impacts

Biodiversity Global Climate Change


Angermeier, P. and J. Hyman. 1994. "Biological Integrity versus Biological Diversity as Policy Directives." BioScience 44: 690-69.

Wilson, E. O. (ed). 1988. Biodiversity. Washington: National Academy Press.


Global Climate Change

Cline, W.R. 1991. "Scientific Basis for the Greenhouse Effect." The Economic Journal 10(407): 914-20.

Hayes, P. and K. R. Smith (eds). 1992. Global Greenhouse Regime: Who Pays? London: Earthscan.

National Academy of Sciences. 1991. Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming. Washington: National Academy Press.

United Nations. 1991. Energy Systems, Environment and Development: A Reader. New York: Atlas Bulletin Series No. 6.

World Commission on Environment and Development. 1987. Energy 2000: A Global Strategy for Sustainable Development. A report for WCED. London: Zed Books.

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Natural Resources

Resource Management Forests & Forest Products Water Systems


Resource Management

Carley, Michael and Ian Christy. 1993. "The Ecology of an Industrial Planet" in Managing Sustainable Development. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. (Chapter 1)

Dixon, John A. and Louise A. Fallon. 1989. "The Concept of Sustainability: Origins, Extensions, and Usefulness for Policy." Society and Natural Resources 2: 73-84.

Hilborn, R., C. J. Walters and D. Ludwig. 1995. "Sustainable Exploitation of Renewable Resources." Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 26: 45-67.

Savory, Allan. 1994. "Will We Be Able to Sustain Civilization?" Population and Environment: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 16 (2): 139-47.

Additional Readings:

Bartlett, A. A. 1986. "Sustained Availability, a Management Program for Non-renewable Resources." American Journal of Physics 54: 398-402.

Beller, W., P. d'Ayala and P. Hein, eds. 1990. Sustainable Development and Environmental Management of Small Islands. Paris: UNESCO and The Parthenon Publishing Group.

Bertram, G. 1986. "'Sustainable Development' in Pacific Micro-economies." World Development 14(7): 809-822.

Bossel, H. 1987. "Viability and Sustainability: Matching Development Goals to Resource Constraints." Futures 19(2): 114-28.

Centre of Biodiversity of the National Museums of Kenya. 1995. Our Life: A View of Massai Women.

Mangun, W. R. 1991. Public Policy Issues in Wildlife Management. New York: Greenwood Press.

Warren, Sarah T. (Ed.). 1992. Gender and Environment: Lessons from Social Forestry and Natural Resource Management. Aga Kan Foundation Canada.


Forests & Forest Products

Novek, Joel and Karen Kampen. 1992. "Sustainable or Unsustainable Development? An Analysis of an Environmental Controversy." Canadian Journal of Sociology 17 (3): 249-73.

Rayner, Jeremy. 1996. "Implementing Sustainability in West Coast Forests: CORE and FEMAT as Experiments in Process." Journal of Canadian Studies 31 (1): 82-101.

Additional Readings:

Colchester, Marcus. 1994. "Sustaining the Forests: The Community-based Approach in South and South-East Asia." Development and Change 25(1).

Goodland, R., A. Asibey, J.C. Post and M.B. Dyson. 1990. "Tropical Moist Forest Managment: The Urgency of Transition to Sustainability." Environmental Conservation 17: 303-318.

Gregersen H., S. Draper and E. Dieter (eds). 1989. People and Trees: The Role of Social Forestry in Sustainable Development. EDI seminar series. Washington: The World Bank.

Poore, D., P. Burgess, J. Palmer, S. Rietbergen and T. Synnott. 1989. No Timber Without Trees: Sustainability in the Tropical Forest. London: Earthscan.

Repetto, R. and M. Gillis (eds). 1988. Public Policy and the Misuse of Forest Resources. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Wickramsinghe, Anoja. 1994. Deforestation, Women and Forestry: The Case of Sri Lanka. International Books.


Water Systems

Chua, T. E. and L. F. Scura. 1991. Managing ASEAN's Coastal Resources for Sustainable Development: Roles of Policymakers, Scientists, Donors, Media and Communities. Manila: ICLAEM.

IRC. 1994. Working with Women and Men on Water and Sanitation: A Field Guide from Africa. IRC.


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Population and Carrying Capacity

General Carrying Capacity Issues Food & Agriculture Consumption


General Carrying Capacity Issues


Bartlett, Albert A. 1994. "Reflections on Sustainability, Population Growth, and the Environment." Population and Environment: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 16 (1): 5-35.

Carey, Daniel I. 1993. "Development Based on Carrying Capacity: A Strategy for Environmental Protection." Global Environmental Change June: 140-48.

Harris, Jonathan M. 1996. "World Agricultural Futures: Regional Sustainability and Ecological Limits." Ecological Economics 17: 95-115.

Additional Readings:

Arizpe, Lourdes, and Margarita Velazquez. 1994. "The Social Dimensions of Population." In Population and Environment: Rethinking the Debate, L. Arizpe, M.P. Stone, and D.C. Major, eds. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Cohen, Joel. 1995. How Many People Can the Earth Support? New York: Norton.

Daily, G.C. and P.R. Ehrlich. 1992. "Population, Sustainability and the Earth's Carrying Capacity." BioScience 42(10): 761-771.

Ehrlich, P. R. and A. H. Ehrlich. 1990. Population Explosion. New York: Simon and Schuster.

Mahar, D. J. and R. Goodland (ed). 1985. Rapid Population Growth and Human Carrying-Capacity: Two Perspectives. Staff working paper No. 690 and Population and Development Series No. 15. Washington: The World Bank.

Mies, Maria and Vandana Shiva. 1993. "People or Population: Towards a New Ecology of Reproduction." In Ecofeminism, M. Mies and V. Shiva, eds. London: Zed Books.

Sarre, P. (ed). 1991. Environment, Population and Development. England: Hodder.

United Nations Fund for Population Activities. 1991. Population and the Environment: The Challenges Ahead. New York: UNFPA.


Food and Agriculture

Harris, Jonathan M. 1996. "World Agricultural Futures: Regional Sustainability and Ecological Limits." Ecological Economics 17: 95-115.

Savory, Allan. 1994. "Will We Be Able to Sustain Civilization?" Population and Environment: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 16 (2): 139-47.

Simon, David. 1989. "Sustainable Development: Theoretical Construct or Attainable Goal?" Environmental Conservation 16 (1): 41-8.

Additional Readings:

Banskota, M., N. S. Jodha and T. Partap (ed). 1992. Sustainable Mountain Agriculture: Perspectives and Issues. Volume 1. New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishing.

Brklacichm, M, C. R. Bryant and B. Smit. 1990. "Review and Appraisal of the Concept of Sustainable Food Production Systems." Environmental Management 15: 1-14.

Cernea, M. 1987. "Farmer Organizations and Institution Building for Sustainable Development." Regional Development Dialogue 8(2): 1-24.

Conway, G. R. and E. B. Barbier. 1990. After the Green Revolution: Sustainable Agriculture for Development. London: Earthscan.

Edwards, C. A., R. Lal, P. Madden, R. H. Miller and G. House. 1990. Sustainable Agricultural Systems. Iowa: Soil and Water Conservation Society.

Faeth, P., R. Repetto and K. Kroll. 1991. Paying the Farm Bill: U. S. Agricultural Policy and the Transition to Sustainable Agriculture. Washington: World Resources Institute.

Ghatak, S. 1988. "Towards a Second Green Revolution: From Chemicals to New Techniques in Agriculture in the Tropics for Sustainable Development." Sustainable Environmental Management: Principles and Practice. 145-69.

International Federation of Agricultural Producers. 1990. Sustainable Farming and the Role of Farmer's Organizations. Paris: IFALP.

National Research Council. 1989. Alternative Agriculture. Washington: Academy Press.



Proops, John L. R., Malte Faber, Reiner Manstetten and Frank Jost. 1996. "News and Views: Achieving a Sustainable World." Ecological Economics 17: 133-35.


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Renewable Energy


Bassan, E. and T. S. Wood (eds). 1985. Environmentally-sound Small-scale Energy Projects: Guidelines for Planning. Alexandria: VITA Publications.

Byrne, J. and Y. Wang. 1991. Toward Sustainable Energy, Environment and Development. Report for the Project Alternative Energy Paths. World Bank.

Freese, Lee. 1997. Environmental Connections. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.

Institute for Local Self-Reliance. 1991. Beyond 40 per cent: Record-setting Recycling and Composting Programs. Washington: ILSR.


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