General Issues

Defining Sustainable DevelopmentEpistemological Debates

Reviews of the Academic LiteratureTheoretical Issues in Global Change


Defining Sustainable Development

Sustainable development as a concept has become increasingly attended to by varying interests. While the concept is useful as a bridge in facilitating public discussion, its definition remains ambiguous. The following articles attempt to clarify what is meant by "sustainable development."


Brown, Becky J., Mark E. Hanson, Diana M. Liverman, Robert W. Merideth, Jr. 1987. "Global Sustainability: Toward Definition." Environmental Management 11 (6): 713-19.

Corson, Walter H. 1994. "Changing Course: An Outline of Strategies for a Sustainable Future." Futures 26 (2): 206-223.

Dixon, John A. and Louise A. Fallon. 1989. "The Concept of Sustainability: Origins, Extensions, and Usefulness for Polity." Society and Natural Resources 2: 73-84.

Goodland, Robert. 1995. "The Concept of Environmental Sustainability." Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 26: 1-24.

Graaf, H. J. de, C.J.M. Musters and W.J. ter Keurs. 1996. "Sustainable Development: Looking for New Strategies." Ecological Economics 16: 205-16.

Heyes, Anthony G. and Catherine Liston-Heyes. 1995. "Sustainable Resource Use: The Search for Meaning." Energy Policy 23 (1): 1-3.

Le´le´, Sharachchandra M. 1991. "Sustainable Development: A Critical Review." World Development 19 (6): 607-21.

Marien, M. 1994a. "Visions of Sustainability: Introduction." Futures 26 (2): 115-116.

Mitcham, Carl. 1995. "The Concept of Sustainable Development: Its Origins and Ambivalence." Technology In Society 17 (3): 311-26.

Pezzey, John. 1992. "Sustainability: An Interdisciplinary Guide." Environmental Values 1: 321-62.

Redclift, Michael. 1992. "The Meaning of Sustainable Development." Geoforum 23 (3): 395-403.

Sachs, Wolfgang. 1991. "Environment and Development: The Story of a Dangerous Liaison." The Ecologist 21 (6): 252-7.

Sunderlin, William D. 1995. "Managerialism and the Conceptual Limits of Sustainable Development." Society and Natural Resources 8: 481-92.

Toman, Michael A. 1992. "The Difficulty in Defining Sustainability." Resources 106 (Winter): 3-6.

Additional Readings:

Beder, Sharon. 1994. "The Hidden Messages within Sustainable Development." Social-Alternatives 13 (2) July : 8-12

Bennet, G. 1992. Dilemmas: Coping with Environmental Problems. London: Earthscan.

Brown, L. R. 1996. State of the World: 1996. A Worldwatch Institute report on progress toward a sustainable society. London: Earthscan.

Gore, A. 1992. Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit. New York: Houghton Mifflin.

Hinrichsen, D. 1987. Our Common Future, a Reader's Guide: The Brundtland Report explained. London: Earthscan.

The Council on Environmental Quality and the Department of State. 1982. The Global 2000 Report to the President. New York: Penguin.

World Commission on Environment and Development. 1987. Our Common Future. New York: Oxford University Press.

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Epistemological Debates

Critiques of Western Models of Development The Ecological Paradigm

Eco-Feminist Theory Multicultural Discourse


Critiques of Western Models for Development

Clark, John G. 1995. "Economic Development vs. Sustainable Societies: Reflections on the Players in a Crucial Contest." Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 26: 225-48.

Disinger, John F. 1990. "Environmental Education for Sustainable Development?" Journal of Environmental Education 21 (Summer): 3-6.

Gowdy, John M. 1994. "Progress and Environmental Sustainability." Environmental Ethics 16 (1) Spring: 41-55.

Lele, Sharachchandra M. and Richard B. Norgaard. 1995. "Sustainability and the Scientist's Burden." Conservation Biology 10 (2): 254-65.

Murdoch, Jonathan and Judy Clark. 1994. "Sustainable Knowledge." Geoforum 25 (2): 115-32.

Nelson, Robert H. 1995. "Sustainability, Efficiency, and God: Economic Values and the Sustainability Debate." Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 26: 135-54.

Norgaard, Richard. 1988. "Sustainable Development: A Co-Evolutionary View." Futures (December): 606-20.

Norgaard, Richard B. 1995. "Intergenerational Commons, Globalization, Economism, and Unsustainable Development." Pp. 141-71 in L. Freese (ed.) Advances in Human Ecology, Vol. 4 Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.

Redclift, Michael. 1988. "Sustainable Development and the Market: A Framework for Analysis." Futures (December): 635-50.

Redclift, Michael. 1991. "The Multiple Dimensions of Sustainable Development." Geography 1991: 36-42.

Redclift, Michael. 1993. "Sustainable Development: Needs, Values, Rights." Environmental Values 2: 3-20.

Simonelli, Richard. 1994. "Sustainable Science: A Look at Science Through Historic Eyes and Through the Eyes of Indigenous Peoples." Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 24 (1): 1-12.

Additional Readings:

Vandana, Shiva. 1989. Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Development. London: Zed Books.


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The Ecological Paradigm

Dilworth, Craig. 1994. "Two Perspectives on Sustainable Development." Population and Environment: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 15 (6): 441-67.

Giampietro, Mario. 1994. "Using Hierarchy Theory to Explore the Concept of Sustainable Development." Futures 26 (6): 616-25.

Gowdy, John M. 1994. "Progress and Environmental Sustainability." Environmental Ethics 16 (1): 41-55.

Milbrath, Lester. 1994. "Stumbling Blocks to a Sustainable Society: Incoherences in Key Premises About The Way The World Works." Futures 26 (2): 117-24.

Pirages, Dennis. 1994. "Sustainability as an Evolving process." Futures 26 (2): 197-205.

Additional Readings:

Bowen, James. 1988. "Science, Education and the Environment: Ecocentrism as the New Paradigm." Education and Society 6 (1-2) June-Dec: 3-15.

Kiefer, Charles F. and Peter M. Senge. 1982. "Metanoic Organizations in the Transition to a Sustainable Society." Technological Forecasting and Social Change 22 (2) Oct: 109-122.

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Eco-Feminist Theory

Braidotti, Rosi, Ewa Charkiewicz, Sabine Hausler, and Saskia Wieringa. 1994. Women, the Environment and Sustainable Development: Towards a Theoretical Synthesis. Zed Books.

Harcourt, Wendy (Ed.). 1994. Feminist Perspectives on Sustainable Development: Shifting Knowledge Boundaries. Zed Books with Society for International Development.

Marietta, Don E.., Jr. 1984. "Environmentalism, Feminism, and the Future of American Society." Humanist 44 (3) May-June: 15-18, 30.

Mies, Marie and Vandan Shiva. 1993. Ecofeminism. Zed Books.

Vandana, Shiva. 1989. Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Development. London: Zed Books.

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Multicultural Discourse

Emberson-Bain. 'Atu (Ed.). 1994. Sustainable Development or Malignant Growth? Perspectives of Pacific Island Women. Marama Publications.

Martinez, Alier Juan. 1987. Ecological Economics: Energy, Environment, and Society. New York: Basil Blackwell.

Pena, Devon. 1992. "The 'brown' and the 'green': Chicanos and environmental politics in the Upper Rio Grande." Capitalism, Nature, and Socialism 3: 79-103.

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Reviews of the Academic Literature


Le´le´, Sharachchandra M. 1991. "Sustainable Development: A Critical Review." World Development 19 (6): 607-21.

Marien M. 1996. "Environmental Problems and Sustainable Futures: Major Literature from WCED to UNCED." Futures (Oct): 731-757.

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Theoretical Issues in Global Change


Globalization of Culture and Markets

Boxill, Ian. 1994. "Globalization, Sustainable Development, and Postmodernism: The New Ideology of Imperialism." Humanity and Society 18 (4): 3-18.

Korten, David C. 1991-92. "Sustainable Development." World Policy Journal 9 (1): 157-90.

Novek, Joel and Karen Kampen. 1992. "Sustainable or Unsustainable Development? An Analysis of an Environmental Controversy." Canadian Journal of Sociology 17 (3): 249-73.

Streeten, Paul. 1993. "Institutions for Sustainable Development." Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 18 (4): 350-58.

Schrecker, Ted. 1996. "Whither Sustainable Development?" Journal of Canadian Studies 31 (1): 3-6.


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