
Geoff Allen


My Job

Yes, I Have a Life!

My Interests

Yes, I Have a Life

I'm proud to admit that I have a life! My family and I live in Moscow, Idaho (no, WSU isn't in Idaho, it's just that Moscow, ID and Pullman, WA are right across the border from one another and Moscow is both cheaper and nicer). "Family" in my case consists of me, my wife, our three sons, one daughter, and a dog. It's never a dull moment at our house (and never a quiet one, either). My wife has a sweatshirt that reads "I am woman. I am invincible. I am tired." As the full-time mother of four, that is very, very true.

We're quite active in Idaho 4-H, and I'm a leader, with a bunch of kids at various levels in the photography projects.

For what else keeps me busy, check my interests.

Geoff Allen, geoff@wsu.edu
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