N320: Foundations

Intercollegiate Center for Nursing Education

of Eastern Washington University, Gonzaga University, and Whitworth College, and College of Nursing, Washington State University

Communication and Relationships

Study/Discussion Questions:

1. Discuss the concept of relationship-centered care. How does this compare with your concept of the role of the nurse. Describe a communication sequence using the communication model in the text. How might this model help you to assess communication blocks or identify ways to enhance communication.

2. Discuss the role of verbal and nonverbal communications in conveying messages. Identify the components of verbal and nonverbal communication. Describe the influence of developmental level, perceptions, values, emotions, sociocultural background, gender, knowledge, roles and relationships, environment, and space on a communication between yourself and another person.

3. Compare and contrast social and therapeutic communication. List Carl Rogers' characteristics of the helper. Give examples of situations in which these characteristics were demonstrated? Do you think these characteristics are important? Why or why not?

4. Tell stories about the use of therapeutic and nontherapeutic communication skills.

5. Identify communication skills appropriate to achieve specific goals. (For example clarifying, explaining, assessing concerns.  Select one or 2 specific communication skills that you plan to work on this semester. Share your plans with a peer. Practice these skills in your clinical setting.

6. Describe the phases of a helping relationship. Identify goals and behaviors characteristic of each stage.  Identify appropriate communication skills and interventions for each stage of the relationship?

7. Describe adaptations in communication that may be necessary when working with persons of various ages, persons who are unable to communicate verbally, persons who do not speak English, and persons from a culture different from yours..

8. Complete the Practice Communication vignettes on the interactive video disc "Therapeutic Communication (IVD 6007). Analyze the interactions and make suggestions for improvement. Summarize what you learned from viewing this disc to share in class.

