Sir Isaac Newton (Portrait by Godfrey Kneller, 1688; Newton was 46 years old - the Principia was published two years earlier).


Honors Physics for Scientists and Engineers

Physics 205-[P]

MWF, 11:10 am - noon

Webster Physical Sciences, Room B11

5 Hours Credit

This spring semester the WSU Physics Department is offering an honors section of Physics 201 (Physics 205) at 11:10-12:00 am, MWF.

Instructor: Tom Dickinson, Department of Physics

Advantages of Physics 205:

This course will be taught with as few lectures as possible. Class time will focus on problem solving, understanding physical concepts, relating theory to experiments and demonstrations, and developing connections to today's technology. Problem assignments will be more difficult than 201 but more time will be given to assist in finding solutions. It is strongly advised to have completed Calculus 171 or equivalent as a prerequisite. Students will have considerable opportunity to ask questions and learn in depth this very important material. Any serious student is welcome (you do not have to be in honors).

For more information, contact: Professor Tom Dickinson, Physical Sciences Rm 529, telephone: 335-4914; email:

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