EarthWISE Alphabetized Bibliography

Below you will find the bibliography of abstracted articles arranged alphabetically by name of author[s]. You may link to article abstracts from this list. In addition to the articles we have summarized, on this page you will find a brief list of suggested readers on the topic of sustainability in general.

Sustainability Readers Alphabetized List of Abstracts


General Sustainability Readers:

Clark, W. C. and R. E. Munn, Eds. 1986. Sustainable Development of the Biosphere. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Costanza, R., Ed. 1991. Ecological Economics: The Science and Management of Sustainability. New York: Columbia University Press.

Daly, Herman E. 1991. Steady State Economics: 2nd Edition with New Essays. Washington, D.C.: Island Press.

Engel, J. Ronald and Joan Gibb Engel, eds. 1990. Ethics of Environment & Development: Global Challenge, International Response. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press

Merchant, Carolyn, ed. 1994. Key Concepts in Critical Theory: Ecology. New Jersey: Humanities Press.

Munasinghe, Mohan and Jeffrey McNeely, eds. 1994. Protected Area Economics and Policy: Linking Conservation and Sustainable Development. World Bank and World Conservation Union (ICUN).

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Alphabetized List of Abstracts

Bartlett, Albert A. 1994. "Reflections on Sustainability, Population Growth and the Environment." Population and Environment: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 16(1): 5-35.

Bear, Dinah. 1994. "Public Responses to the President's Council on Sustainable Development Draft Vision Statement and Principles for Sustainable Development" Executive Summary October 20, 1994 for Labat-Anderson Incorporated: 1-5.

Becker, C. Dustin and Elinor Ostrom. 1995. "Human Ecology and Resource Sustainability: The Importance of Institutional Diversity." Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 26: 113-33.

Beckerman, Wilfred. 1994. "'Sustainable Development': Is it a Useful Concept?" Environmental Values 3: 191-209.

Beckerman, Wilfred. 1995. "How Would you Like your 'Sustainability', Sir? Weak or Strong? A Reply to my Critics." Environmental Values 4(1995): 169-79.

Bernardy, Michel de, Pierre Boisgontier and Georges Goyet. 1993. "The ecology of innovation: The cultural substratum and sustainable development." International Social Science Journal 45(1): 55-66.

Bigg, Tom. 1995. "The UN Commission on Sustainable Development: a non-governmental perspective." Global Environmental Change 5 (3): 251-253.

Boxill, Ian. 1994. "Globalization, Sustainable Development, and Postmodernism: The New Ideology of Imperialism." Humanity and Society 18 (4): 3-18.

Brown, Becky J., Mark E. Hanson, Diana M. Liverman, and Robert W. Merideth, Jr. 1987. "Global Sustainability: Toward Definition." Environmental Management 11 (6): 713-719.

Carey, Daniel I. 1993. "Development based on carrying capacity: A strategy for environmental protection." Global Environmental Change June: 140-148.

Carley, Michael and Ian Christy. 1993. "The Ecology of an Industrial Planet" Chapter 1 in Managing Sustainable Development. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Clark, John G. 1995. "Economic Development vs. Sustainable Societies: Reflections on the Players in a Crucial Contest." Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 26: 225-48.

Corson, Walter H. 1994. "Changing Course: An Outline of Strategies for a Sustainable Future." Futures 26 (2): 206-223.

Daly, Herman. 1990. "Commentary: Toward some operational principles of sustainable development." Ecological Economics 2(1990): 1-6.

Daly, Herman E. 1995. "On Wilfred Beckerman's Critique of Sustainable Development." Environmental Values 4(1995): 49-55.

Dilworth, Craig. 1994. "Two Perspectives on Sustainable Development." Population and Environment: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 15(6): 441-467.

Disinger, John F. 1990. "Environmental Education for Sustainable Development?" Journal of Environmental Education 21 (Summer): 3-6.

Dixon, John A. and Louise A. Fallon. 1989. "The Concept of Sustainability: Origins, Extensions and Usefulness for Policy." Society and Natural Resources 2: 73-84.

Eden, Sally E. 1994. "Using Sustainable Development: The Business Case." Global Environmental Change 4(2): 160-167.

Elgin, Duane. 1994. "Building a Sustainable Species-Civilization: A Challenge of Culture and Consciousness." Futures 26(2): 234-245.

Ghai, Dharam. 1994. "Environment, Livelihood, and Empowerment." Development and Change 25(1): 1-11.

Giampietro, Mario. 1994. "Using Hierarchy Theory to Explore the Concept of Sustainable Development." Futures 26(6): 616-625.

Goodland, Robert and Herman Daly. 1993. "Poverty Alleviation is Essential for Environmental Sustainability." Divisional Working Paper 1993-42 for the Environmental Economics and Pollution Division of The World Bank: Washington, D. C.

Goodland, Robert. 1995. "The Concept of Environmental Sustainability." Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 26: 1-24.

Goodland, Robert J. A. and Herman E. Daly, Salah El Serafy. 1993. "The Urgent Need for Rapid Transition to Global Environmental Sustainability." Environmental Conservation 20 (4): 297-309.

Gosselin, Pierre and Diane Belanger, Jean-Francois Bibeault, Alain Webster. 1993. "Indicators for a Sustainable Society." Canadian Journal of Public Health 84 (3): 197-200.

Gowdy, John M. 1994. "Discussion Papers: Progress and Environmental Sustainability." Environmental Ethics 16: 41-55.

Graaf, H. J. de, C. J. M. Musters and W. J. ter Keurs. 1996. "Sustainable Development: Looking For New Strategies." Ecological Economics 16: 205-216.

Gutes, Maite Cabeza. 1996. "Commentary: The Concept of Weak Sustainability." Ecological Economics 17(1996): 147-156.

Hall, Barbara Welling. 1994. "Information Technology and Global Learning for Sustainable Development: Promise and Problems." Alternatives 19(1994): 99-132.

Harris, Jonathan M. 1996. "World agricultural futures: regional sustainability and ecological limits." Ecological Economics 17(1996): 95-115.

Heyes, Anthony G. and Catherine Liston-Heyes. 1995. "Sustainable Resource Use: the Search for Meaning." Energy Policy 23 (1): 1-3.

Hilborn, R. and C. J. Walters, D. Ludwig. 1995. "Sustainable Exploitation of Renewable Resources." Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 26: 45-67.

Irwin, Alan, Susse Georg and Philip Vergragt. 1994. "The Social Management of Environmental Change." Futures 26(3): 323-334.

Jacobs, Michael. 1995. "Sustainable Development, Capital Substitution and Economic Humility: A Response to Beckerman." Environmental Values 4(1995): 57-68.

Karshenas, Massoud. 1994. "Environment, Technology and Employment: Towards a New Definition of Sustainable Development." Development and Change 25(1994): 723-756.

Klaassen, Ger A. J. and Johannes B. Opschoor. 1991. "Economics of sustainability or the sustainability of economics: different paradigms." Ecological Economics 4: 93-115.

Knight, Richard V. 1993. "Sustainable development - sustainable cities." International Social Science Journal 45 (1): 35-54.

Korten, David C. 1991-92. "Sustainable Development: A Review Essay." World Policy Journal (Winter): 157-190.

Lele, Sharachchandra and Richard B. Norgaard. 1995. "Sustainability and the Scientist's Burden." Conservation Biology 10(2): 354-365.

Lele, Sharachchandra M. 1991. "Sustainable Development: A Critical Review." World Development 19 (6): 607-621.

Marien, M. 1994a. "Visions of Sustainability: Introduction." Futures 26 (2): 115-116.

Marien, Michael. 1994b. "Infoglut and competing problems: Key barriers suggesting a new strategy for sustainability." Futures 26(2): 246-256.

Marien M. 1996. "Environmental Problems and Sustainable Futures: Major Literature from WCED to UNCED." Futures (Oct): 731-757.

Milbrath, Lester W. 1994. "Stumbling Blocks to a Sustainable Society: Incoherences in key premises about the way the world works." Futures 26(2): 117-124.

Mitcham, Carl. 1995. "The Concept of Sustainable Development: its Origins and Ambivalence." Technology in Society 17(3): 311-326.

Murdoch, Jonathan and Judy Clark. 1994. "Sustainable Knowledge." Geoforum 25 (2): 115-132.

Nelson, Robert H. 1995. "Sustainability, Efficiency, and God: Economic Values and the Sustainability Debate." Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 26: 135-54.

Norgaard, Richard B. 1988. "Sustainable Development: A Co-Evolutionary View." Futures (Dec.): 606-620.

Norgaard, Richard B. 1995. "Intergenerational Commons, Globalization, Economism, and Unsustainable Development." Pp. 141-171 in L. Freese (ed.) Advances in Human Ecology, Vol. 4. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.

Novek, Joel and Karen Kampen. 1992. "Sustainable or unsustainable development? An analysis of an environmental controversy." Canadian Journal of Sociology 17 (3): 249-273.

O'Hara, Sabine U. 1995. "Sustainability: Social and Ecological Dimensions." Review of Social Economy LIII(4): 529-551.

Olson, Robert. 1994. "Alternative Images of a Sustainable Future." Futures 26(2): 156- 169.

President's Council on Sustainable Development. 1994. The Final Report - Sustainable America: A New Consensus for Prosperity, Opportunity, and a Healthy Environment for the Future. (p. 2-3 of highlights) Washington, D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office.

Pearce, David. 1992. "Green Economics." Environmental Values 1(1992): 3-13.

Pezzey, John. 1992. "Sustainability: An Interdisciplinary Guide." Environmental Values 1: 321-62.

Pierce, John T. 1992. "Progress and the Biosphere: The Dialectics of Sustainable Development." The Canadian Geographer 36 (4): 306-20.

Pirages, Dennis. 1994. "Sustainability as an Evolving Process." Futures 26(2): 197-205.

Plewes, Betty, Gauri Sreenivasan and Tim Draimin. 1996. "Sustainable human development as a global framework." International Journal LI(Spring): 211-234.

Proops, John L.R., Malte Faber, Reiner Manstetten and Frank Jost. 1996. "Achieving a sustainable world." Ecological Economics 17(1996): 133-135.

Rayner, Jeremy. 1996. "Implementing Sustainability in West Coast Forests: CORE and FEMAT as Experiments in Process." Journal of Canadian Studies 31(1): 82-101.

Redclift, Michael. 1988. "Sustainable Development and the Market: A framework for analysis." Futures (Dec): 635-650.

Redclift, Michael. 1991. "The Multiple Dimensions of Sustainable Development." Geography 1991: 36-42.

Redclift, Michael. 1992. "The Meaning of Sustainable Development." Geoforum 25 (3): 395-403.

Redclift, Michael. 1993. "Sustainable Development: Needs, Values, Rights." Environmental Values 2 (1993): 3-20.

Sachs, Wolfgang. 1991. "Environment and Development: The Story of a Dangerous Liaison." The Ecologist 21 (6): 252-257.

Savory, Allan. 1994. "Will We Be Able to Sustain Civilization?" Population and Environment: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 16(2): 139-147.

Schrecker, Ted. 1996. "Introduction: Whither Sustainable Development?" Journal of Canadian Studies 31(1): 3-6.

Serageldin, Ismail, Herman Daly and Robert Goodland. 1994. "The Concept of Environmental Sustainability." Chapter for the Institute for Environment and Systems Analysis's (ed.) Principles of Sustainable Development. Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Simon, David. 1989. "Sustainable Development: Theoretical Construct or Attainable Goal?" Environmental Conservation 16 (1): 41-48.

Simonelli, Richard. 1994. "Sustainable Science: A Look at Science Through Historic Eyes and Through the Eyes of Indigenous Peoples." Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 24 (1): 1-12.

Singer, S. Fred. 1992. "Sustainable Development and the Global Environment: Resolving the Conflict." International Journal on the Unity of the Sciences 5(2): 107-122.

Skolimowski, Henryk. 1995. "In Defense of Sustainable Development." Environmental Values 4(1995): 69-70.

Slocombe, D. Scott and Caroline Van Bers. 1991. "Seeking Substance in Sustainable Development." Journal of Environmental Education 23 (Fall): 11-18.

Streeten, Paul. 1993. "Institutions for Sustainable Development." Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 18 (4): 350-358.

Sunderlin, William D. 1995. "Managerialism and the Conceptual Limits of Sustainable Development." Society and Natural Resources 8: 481-492.

Templet, Paul H. 1994. "Equity and Sustainability: An Empirical Analysis." Society and Natural Resources 8: 509-523.

Tijmes, Pieter and Reginald Luiff. 1995. "The Sustainability of our Common Future: An Inquiry into the Foundations of an Ideology." Technology In Society 17 (3): 327-336.

Toman, Michael A. 1992. "The Difficulty in Defining Sustainability." Resources 106 (Winter): 3-6.

Wagle, Subodh. 1993. "Sustainable Development: Some Interpretations, Implications, and Uses." Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 13: 314-323.

World Commission on Environment and Development. 1987. From One Earth to One World: An Overview. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Yanarella, Ernest J. and Richard S. Levine. 1992. "Does Sustainable Development Lead to Sustainability?" Futures October: 759-774.

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