N320: Foundations

Intercollegiate Center for Nursing Education

of Eastern Washington University, Gonzaga University, and Whitworth College, and College of Nursing, Washington State University



Toilets: Greece (L), Nepal (R)
photos copyright: Kate Kuhlman and Beth Rosenstiel

Study/Discussion Questions - GastroIntestinal:

1. Discuss factors influencing bowel elimination. Describe the effects of changes in fluid intake, diet, activity and common medications on bowel function.
2. Assess for common symptoms of alterations in bowel function.
3. Formulate three part NANDA diagnoses for clients with alterations in bowel elimination.
4. Identify and state rationale for interventions for constipation, impaction and toileting self-care deficit.

Case: Mr. Hugh is 75 years old. He has hypertension and takes hydrochloro-thiazide 50 mg daily. During the summer and fall he walked 2 miles a day, now that it is cold and the weather is sometimes bad he sits in his chair most of the day. He comes to the clinic with a chief concern of constipation.

What additional assessment would you do?

How might his medications affect his bowel function?

Based on the data you have, what would you recommend that Mr. Hugh do to correct the problem?

Elimination: Genitourinary

