N320: Foundations
Intercollegiate Center for Nursing Education
of Eastern Washington University, Gonzaga University, and Whitworth College, and College of Nursing, Washington State University



Web-Based Learning Assignment: (2%)
For directions click here

Study/Discussion Questions:
1. What is the difference between illness and disease as described by Benner. Why does she say these differences are important? Compare and contrast her definitions with those found in the Lindeman text.
2. What are the 3 major goals of Healthy People 2010? What specific population groups are addressed? How might a nurse use this document to plan and implement care for well persons? ill persons?

3. List as many factors as you can that influence a group or individual's health.
4. Use the epidemiologic model (host, environment, agent, vector) to describe the natural history of a disease or condition which you or a family members has experienced.
5. Describe the purpose and use of the BEINGS model.
6. Define prevalence and incidence using a mathematical formula. Describe the three commonly used measures of mortality
7. Discuss some of the effects of age, gender and socioecomic status on health.
8. Define primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. How are these concepts helpful in nursing?
9. Discuss what you learned from reading about Morrie's experience of becoming ill. Compare his experience with that of other people you know or have read about.

Thinking Question: Larry Jones, age 21, fractured his leg in an automobile accident. He was speeding and was not wearing a seat belt. He is wearing a cast and learning to walk on crutches. The nurse teaches him to check his foot 3x/day to be sure it is warm and pink and to call the doctor if he notices increased pain or swelling, coolness and pallor.
What primary prevention activities might have been useful prior to Larry's accident?   Relate these activities to the overall goals of Healthy People 2000.
Which interventions described in the scenario illustrate secondary prevention? tertiary prevention?
How might Larry respond to his sudden disability? How might his experience differ from Morrie's? What might a nurse do to support him?

Healthy People 2000 directions